Born 1970
Zodiac Aquarius with Ascendant Aquarius
Eyes Brown
Hairs Black, Red & Blue
height  small
Weight (to) much

There is nothing to say about me, what would be important.
Extrovert, creative, stubborn, extremely emotionally with a penchant for untidy order,
vacillating between impulsive activism and lazy decadence,
people-loving, but shunning crowds.
I can express myself in writing better than talking
Native Westphalian, my heart beats for Munich, in exile in the Rhine-Neckar area.
With a penchant for the English language (even if I do not speak and write perfectly),
while the little, hard learned Italian removes itself from my memory.
In former times restless and always on the road, today my desc is the safest place.
occasionally photographing, formerly websites creating, and with the idea,
to write a book someday.

the man by my side describes me with the following words: "With my wife, you have to be prepared for everything"

My favourite saying:

"If a baby is crying next door, we cannot tell its colour or its race by
the sound of its voice, its only means of expression.
The raw material is the same until the prejudices of tradition begin
to erode virgin sensibilities, and a particular view of history identifies
long-standing enmities.”
                                                                 (Sir Peter Ustinov)

I think, it needs to be done much, that tolerance is no longer a loanword in our country